Building a Second Brain — the pain points

Rob Wilson
4 min readSep 4, 2022

The book Building a Second Brain encourages you to Capture, Organise, Distill and Express (CODE), my last blog post was the result of following CODE and it nicely distills and expresses PARA and CODE.

However PARA didn’t all go smoothly for me.

This article captures my hurdles and solutions here, which hopefully will spark mutually beneficial discussions for how to evolve this going forward.

Notes — Keeping personal and business together

The author happily mixes his personal and work notes and files together, opting for a prefix to differentiate projects like his ‘BASB’ for ‘Build a second Brain’ book.

I did try to do this in Apple Notes, but I really really didn’t like mixing everything together. After achieving this I felt, well, dirty and quickly separated them back out again. You see I work for a few companies and they really wouldn’t want me mixing their intellectual property in with my notes, nor merging files from one company with another.

Each company has their preference for storage too (e.g. iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive).

In Mac notes I decided to create a top-level folder for ‘Personal’, ‘Company-A’ and ‘Company-B’ and ‘Company-C’, then I created the PARA sub-folders below them.

A screenshot of the PARA structure in my iPhone Notes app — Authors own photo
My Structure of Mac Notes — Author



Rob Wilson

CTO of Vehicle Smart Lead developer of MyTeamSafe Learning and sharing via RobbiewOnline